Dagsarkiv: april 12, 2011

Another road to Schwarzschild

( Update 2019: The information that used to be in this post was somewhat outdated. Please see this post instead.)

Back in 2013 I wrote en essay I tried to get published, it is available here:
Newtonian Gravitation with Radially Varying Velocity-Dependent Mass

The whole idea behind the project was to use the Newtonian law of gravity but letting the mass vary implicitely with time and getting to something very similar to the Schwarzschild solution.

As of 2019 I am using this expression:

attempt acceleration anisotropic c

which is a tiny bit different from the expression I use in my old essay. Using this expression you can, by numerical integration get orbits such as this one:

orbit 16651 new expression 2019

For more orbits and explanations see this post.

(I have an older essay that I called ”Another road to Schwarzschild”)